Tonight over 4,000 people will sleep rough in -3°C temperatures.
Is that acceptable?
A cold north-easterly wind blasts the exposed skin around your face, numbing your cheeks and nose and shooting icy pins into the rest. The wind carries the threat of snow, sleet, rain, and you nestle your chin into your scarf as you walk, hurrying towards a vaguely sheltered spot. You were caught in the last snowy downpour as you walked past twinkling Christmas lights in warm homes. Your coat is soaked and your woollen hat is heavy with moisture.
You lose heat 20 times faster through damp clothes. The body’s core temperature only has to drop a couple of degrees before hypothermia sets in. Combined with hunger and dehydration, the situation is dire.
Tonight (11/12/2017) over 4,000 people are faced with sleeping on the streets. In Wickford, where Yewdale is based, temperatures will drop to -3°C. Whilst we can’t help every person, we can do our part.
As part of Yewdale’s final charity event of 2017, we are helping the homeless, the vulnerable and the hungry by donating to Crisis, the homeless charity, Save the Children and The Trussell Trust Basildon Foodbank.
Yewdale’s employees are lucky to have lunch paid for by the company, but for this week, we have passed the money onto Crisis instead.
Throughout the week we will be collecting food for a local foodbank. Cans and packets are being put into a trolley and we can’t wait to donate it to the Trussell Trust Basildon Foodbank.
Finally, on Friday we will celebrate Christmas Jumper Day by donning our festive pullovers and collecting money for Save The Children.
Christmas is a time for giving, and we’re proud to be doing our bit to help others.
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